Friday, April 16, 2010

Applying Ancient Wisdom

“Set aside all your contemporary self-help books and read this classic slowly, in pieces, at your leisure. It is beautifully translated, presented and introduced. It is calming, inspiring, solid, and useful. A book to keep at hand, ready for emergencies, a steady companion.”
– Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul and A Life at Work

My friend Matt sent me a copy of The Essential Marcus Aurelius which offers a translated introduction into the Roman emperor's meditations. I loved it. I find myself reflecting back to his teachings on a regular basis and it always brings a little mental relief - a freeing of worry, stress, disappointment or sadness. Some segments remind me of Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment which is also a very powerful book. If you’ve read that then you know that you can’t re-shape your thought processes overnight, but are constantly challenged and reminded how to live and how to be more present in your life, one moment at a time.

I highly recommend The Essential Marcus Aurelius. It’s a book you can read cover to cover or just pick up from time to time when you're in the mood for some ancient wisdom.

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