Friday, April 8, 2011

Brown Rice Bowl w/ Chicken, Asparagus & Kale

As you know, I love leftovers. I also love when I come up with a way to use them for a dinner that is just as good as the first time around. I came up with this dinner and liked it so much that I've been craving it all week. I will definitely make it again soon.

Brown Rice Bowl with Chicken, Asparagus & Kale
I had leftover asparagus (not yet grilled) and chicken souvlaki skewers (already grilled) from Monday night. The perfect start to an easy dinner for Tuesday night. I whipped up some brown rice, roasted the asparagus in the oven, and made a batch of sauteed kale. I cubed the chicken and threw it in the oven for a few minutes to warm, then sprinkled it with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice. Throw the brown rice in a bowl, put kale on one side (don't forget the toasted almonds!), chicken on the other side and asparagus right down the middle. I also added a little dollop of hummus. A delicious brown rice bowl with some leftover protein and two green veggies. Easy, healthy, yummy.

You can make any variation of this with your leftovers. Here are some ideas:

White rice
Brown rice
Cous Cous

Leftover chicken breasts, pork, steak, sausage, bacon
Nuts - toasted nuts (almonds or pine nuts are my fave) or sesame seeds are always good on rice and veggies

Kale - sauteed
Chard - sauteed
Cabbage - sauteed
Spinach - fresh or sauteed
Broccoli - boiled, steamed, roasted
Asparagus - grilled, baked or broiled, steamed
Mushrooms - sauteed

Soy sauce
Chili garlic sauce
Ginger sauce (google "ginger sauce" for lots of variations)
Vinaigrette dressing
Balsamic-dijon vinaigrette
Marinara sauce
Fresh lemon juice and olive oil

The moral of the story... always make enough food for leftovers, then get creative. You might end up with a delicious new dinner idea like I did.

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