Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tiny TOMS: One for One

My friend Clare told me about TOMS shoes and I couldn't wait one more second to do a post about them. The Tiny TOMS for kids are so super cute and come in solid colors and prints like green or pink camouflage. I love the simplicity of these canvas shoes for children.

But the best part about TOMS is that every time a pair is purchased, they provide a pair to a child in need. I love it!
"Since its beginning in May 2006, TOMS has given over 10,000 pairs of shoes to children in Argentina and 50,000 pairs in South Africa through the purchases of our caring customers. In 2008 TOMS plans to give 200,000 pairs of shoes to children in need around the world.

Our ongoing community events and Shoe Drops allow TOMS supporters and enthusiasts to be a part of this One for One movement.

Get involved: Changing a life begins with a single step...

For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of shoes to a child in need. One for One."

TOMS in action ...

These photos are so great. Look at some of those smiles!!!! What an inspiring business model. Too bad more companies can't/don't do charitable works like this to help those less fortunate. All the more reason to support companies like TOMS. So, spread the word about TOMS so we can all make a difference. I'm off to order a pair right now.

P.S. Shipping is free!

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