Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Freezer of Love

I had some veggies that were past their prime, in my opinion, but not so bad that they should be thrown out. And since I'm becoming so much more anal about using every last morsel in my fridge, I thought no way am I letting that stuff go bad. So I threw it all in a pot and made a great batch of veggie stock. It only took a few minutes to prep, several hours to cook and voila, a few jars of veggie stock for the freezer. I didn't waste the food and I'll save money by not needing to buy veggie stock the next few times I need it. It's the little things that make me proud. I also love adding items to my anniversary freezer.

I have a little list of what I put in the freezer and what I take out because once that sucker is full I know things will get pushed to the back and be forgotten. So far I have my to-die-for supply of chicken stock, some veggie stock, prawn stock (great for spicy black bean prawns!), carrot lemongrass soup, smoothie pops and a huge tub of my most favorite ice cream on earth... Olympic Mountain spumoni ice cream. It is like no spumoni you've ever tasted and I cannot live long without it so we had to beg our favorite restaurant to sell us a tub (it's not sold in stores sadly). That was part of the deal with the 5-year anniversary freezer. I needed something to make it romantic so I told my husband he had to fill it with my favorite ice cream on earth. He also brings it in from the garage every time I need a fix. He is too good to me.

I have to thank Jess Thomsonn of Hogwash for inspiring me (via KUOW) to cook up some great food now, while it's chilly, so I have great stuff to grab when the sun is shining and I'm not interested in being at the hot stove. If you don't have a separate freezer, you could always clean out your regular one (who doesn't need to do that?!) and make space for some goodies for another day.

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