Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy Anniversary to Over Cocktails!!!

Today is Over Cocktails one year anniversary! Not only did it survive a few meltdowns where I thought I should give it up, but I wrapped up the year with a total of 418 posts and an average of 50+ unique visitors a day from all over the US and several other countries. It's not huge numbers but enough to keep me going and having fun.

I hope you are enjoying my recipes and mindless ramblings. And I hope I have inspired some of you in one way or another.

Baby #2 is due September 25th so I can't promise as many posts in the year ahead. Over Cocktails is like a diary for me though so it's the first thing I want to do to wind down from a long day. I'll be sure to keep posting after a short hiatus once baby arrives.
Post a comment if there's anything you're interested in and don't have time to research because I enjoy it and am happy to post on any subject!
Thank you to all my friends for their inspiration and support of my little hobby!


Lynne Shutt said...

Happy Anniversary Over Cocktails!! As part of my daily ritual, i LOVE this blog! I am so proud of you Colleen!

Karen said...

Hi there,
I was tipped off on your blog through a friend, and now I'm totally hooked. There aren't many sites I check every day but yours is one. Your recipes are fantastic and you have given me motivation to be more organized in certain aspects of my life (i.e. meal planning, photo organization) - I'm striving to do much of these things while I'm out on maternity leave right now with my 2nd.
I love your blog, and your pictures are fabulous. Thanks for your time in sharing these ideas for the greater good!

Erika said...

You are doing such a great job, Colleen. Once the baby comes, you will need a few minutes to yourself even more - keep it up!