Thursday, August 6, 2009

Slow Roasted Tomatoes

The tomatoes have looked so amazing at the market (and taste so good) that I can't control myself and always over-buy. I was planning to make tomato soup again but ate too many and didn't have the 5lbs I needed for the recipe. I was eating caprese light crazy trying to get through them until my sister-in-law suggested that I make slow roasted tomatoes. I got right on it the minute her car pulled away and am so glad to have learned this new trick. They were so good. I asked her how to store them and how long they would keep but it didn't really matter because they were all gone within 24 hours. They were the most delicious snack. She did say they are great for pastas, paninis, pizzas, and more - if you can hold onto them long enough to cook something!

Slow Roasted Tomatoes
from my sister-in-law Allison

Several tomatoes, sliced
Olive oil
Kosher salt

Preheat oven to 200-225 degrees. Place tomato slices on a silpat lined cookie sheet. Drizzle with a little olive oil and sprinkle with a touch of salt and pepper. Roast for four hours.

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