Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reduce Your Impact, Think Before You Buy

The Great Eastern Garbage Patch: where plastic to sea life ratios are 6:1; where birds and mammals are dying of starvation and dehydration with bellies full of plastics; where fish are ingesting toxins at such a rate that soon they will no longer be safe to eat. - Daily Kos article

Rustic uber-babe David de Rothschild is helping to bring awareness to the disturbing amount of plastic and garbage swirling around in the ocean, and pulled into large masses by the currents. One such area, called the Great Eastern Garbage Patch, located between the US and Japan is twice the size of Texas. Yes, you read that right. Twice the size of Texas! Everything from water bottles to lighters, toothbrushes, and rubber duckies floating around, killing wildlife and getting into the food system.
David and his shipmates boarded The Plastiki, a boat made from plastic water bottles, to venture out to sea and shed some light on the issue. Click here to see Christiane Amanpour's interview with David. Click here to peruse the Plastiki website and blog. Click here to read an interesting article in the LA Times. Click here to watch a disturbing YouTube video. Click here for a overview and links to more info.

Don't turn your back on this issue denying that you have a role in it because we all play a part. Do what you can, it's not that hard... think before you buy, limit use of plastic by being more resourceful (for example - use old sour cream or yogurt containers for snacks rather than plastic bags), don't use plastic water bottles, recycle. I'm guilty of buying plastic toys to no end, but the more I read, the more I think twice and aim to be better.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi

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