Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Four Heads of Minced Garlic? No Problem!

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My husband and I were cooking a new dish for Thanksgiving and needed four heads of minced garlic. Now I'm one of those people who likes to mince garlic but I draw the line at one head, let alone four. We were busy prepping for the holiday so I needed a fast solution. My aunt's method came in handy.
Break apart your heads of garlic. Lay the cloves out on a cloth napkin or kitchen towel. Fold over the towel. Use a meat tenderizer to smash the cloves. Remove the skins and mince them in a mini Cuisinart. Easy!
My aunt actually does this every Sunday and stores the minced garlic in a container in the fridge with a bit of olive oil. Every night when she goes to make dinner she has one less thing to prep. She does the same thing with shallots. I use garlic and shallot almost every night so I might have to implement this great time-saving trick.

1 comment:

JJ Horner said...

even easier: by a bagged of peeled garlic cloves at Trader Joes, cut the 4-5 mini packages open and pop in your cuisinart. I do this every couple of months and store the minced results in a jar in the fridge.