Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Best Curry EVER


Photo Credit: Eat Drink Think

Sunday night I made the recipe for Vij's Family Chicken Curry from the cookbook Vij's: Elegant and Inspired Indian Cuisine. It was easily the best curry I've ever made, and outside of Vij's, possibly the best curry I've ever had. I know it's a bold statement, but I really really loved it. For some reason I was intimidated to try it but once I got going it was totally easy to make, and no surprise - it was even better then next day. Can't wait to make it again.

Let this inspire you to get your butt up to Vij's in Vancouver to try their amazing food or to order the cookbook online for a taste of it at home.

You can get the recipe online here and here. Worth noting is that the book offers helpful info about the ingredients in their recipes. For example, they explain why they call for the amount of oil that they do. I was hesitant to use the full amount, as I thought 1/2 cup to saute some onions and garlic seemed a little excessive, but they explain the importance in the book. They also explain the importance of using a cinnamon stick instead of ground cinnamon, offer explanations of all the herbs and ingredients, and provide other helpful tips for those new to Indian cooking. .

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