Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Zucchini Season


I was so excited a few weeks ago to see zucchinis popping up at the farmers market. I love me some zucchini, and there are so many ways to cook with it.

First order of business every year is to bake a ton of Zucchini Bread to freeze. There is nothing better than pulling out home baked zucchini bread in the middle of December when it's cold outside. A cup of coffee and some warmed zucchini bread with butter on it hits the spot every time. Bake away, then cut each loaf in half before freezing. I wrap tightly in saran wrap, then in foil. You can have zucchini bread every few weeks through fall, winter and spring!

I've been making a ton of Madhur Jaffrey's Pan Grilled Zucchini, either fried in the pan or grilled on the BBQ. Great recipe.

I've made Gwyneth's Fried Zucchini Spaghetti twice in the last few weeks. It's delicious. I add a tiny bit of lemon zest plus extra cheese and basil. Easy and delicious.

Zucchini is great for fried rice, frittatas, soup, or sneaking into smoothies, sauces or beans for kids.

Next up on my list is this delicious Vegetable Tian. Great as a side or tossed with pasta.

Do you love zucchini? If so, what are some of your favorite recipes????

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